Attic Framing Water Stains
Whenever you enter and attic, whether
you're looking for something or bringing down your Christmas
decorations, you should always give the roof a quick inspection.
Sometimes you can have a water leak like this
one and it will do very little damage, in the beginning.
Only later to find out that you have a massive
termite problem or ant infestation, further down the road.
Most water stains aren't hard to find, you're going to be
looking for any discoloring in the lumber and plywood.
Most of the time, you will spot water leaks
from the ceiling, in the living area of the home.
This is when it's too late and now some of the
building is going to require your attention. Home repairs are
going to be necessary.
Most of these attic stains on the lumber will be caused from
damaged roofing. In the picture above, the problem is probably
the metal flashing, if there is any at all on the home.
When you find the stained wood, simply make a note of where the
problem could be coming from and then start inspecting the
roofing in the area located above the water stain.
If you don't notice any easy to find
irregularities, holes or roof damage, I would suggest that you
contact a professional, because these problems can be hard to
find and repair.