Crimped Copper Pipe Damage
One of the worst things that you could do to a copper
water supply pipe is to put a crimp or a dent in it. These dents often
lead to water leaks in the future as water runs through the pipe, daily.
As the water runs through the pipe, the crimped section will start to
erode. On the outside of the pipe, that dent pushes in, but on the
inside of the pipe, the dent is like a small hill.
Could you imagine water flowing constantly over a small hill over long
periods of time? It will eventually wear the hill down and that's what
it does to the crimp in the copper pipe.
What causes crimped copper pipe damage? It's usually caused when the
plumber needs to bend the pipe, but does so incorrectly. These crimps
can also be made by other construction workers, while they're working on
the house or remodeling project.
Home Repair Tip: Any crimped copper water pipes will need to be removed
and replaced. I don't suggest that you wait for these water pipes to
break, because it could happen in the middle of the night or while
you're away on vacation.
If there is one thing I know about crimped copper pipe damage, it's bad
news for the homeowner. Make these repairs as soon as possible or
contact a plumber to make them for you, but make them.