Damaged Stucco Corner
Looking at the damaged stucco corner,
it's hard to imagine what could actually cause it to start
deteriorating. Damaged stucco corners like these are rarely found
without additional damage to the rest of the stucco.
If you look at the top of the picture, it looks like there could be
plenty of moisture coming off and working its way behind the stucco. If
there was enough moisture, rolling in between the top of the roofing and
the stucco, over time the metal lath holding together the stucco corner
would start to deteriorate and weaken the corner.
Home Repair Tip: The first thing that we need to do is figure out what
caused the damage, repair the problem and then fix the corner. If you
fix the damaged stucco corner, before solving the problem, you could
find yourself making additional repairs to this corner in the future.
Remember, the number one thing to do is to find out what's causing the
damage before doing the home repairs.